Japanese Language Teachers of Ireland

ELP Project

ELP Project for the Post-primary LC Japanese Courses

The Japanese Teachers of Ireland (JLTI) and the Post-Primary Languages Initiative (PPLI) launched the above project in May 2010.

The aim of the project is to develop a Japanese version of the existing ELP for Post-Primary Education (accredited model no.10.2001). Once developed, it will be introduced and implemented into the Japanese courses at secondary schools in Ireland. The project is currently in the first phase where Japanese self-assessment checklists are being developed.

The JLTI and the PPLI are planning to organise two to three seminars/workshops next year prior to the implementation, including a seminar/workshop by Professor David Little on 28th May 2011.

For other details, please check on this website or go to the website of the PPLI www.languagesinitiative.ie.

Update, October 2011 The Japanese version of the ELP for Irish post-primary schools is now completed. Currently the project team is preparing for the ELP to be published on-line next spring.

Workshops using the on-line ELP are being planned to take place in February, April, and May. The dates of these workshops will be announced on this website soon.

Update, 2013 The European Language Portfolio (Japanese version) is now available at: eportfolio.jlti.org